
If this is the only way I can stay connected..

Biarkanlah judul, gambar dan tulisannya nggak nyambung. Sebenarnya semua saling berkaitan, jika dimengerti 🙂

Honestly, I never knew I could feel like this.
I swear I’m going out of my mind.
I wanna throw myself off of every building in New York.
I see a cab and I wanna dive in front of it, because then I’ll stop thinking about her.
Look, you will.
Just give it time.
That’s just it.
I don’t want to.
I’ve waited my whole life to feel this miserable.
If this is the only way I can stay connected with her…
then this is who I have to be.
No, you don’t.
You can change, you can adapt.
You can make it.

so you don’t ever have to feel like this.
Ever again.

~taken from the Hitch script

8 thoughts on “Facebook

  1. facebook , emang bikin kecanduan,hahahaha

    dihujat dan digunakan banyak orang,tapi sesungguhnya dia hanyalah alat belaka. seperti pisau dapur dan ilmu,bisa digunakan buat kebaikan dan kejahatan,tergantung si pemakai 😀

  2. @merlyn,, haha, apa sih yg ga kamu tau mey 😉

    @wempi,, iya, maunya jadi presenter gt *ngarep*

    @didot,, setuju. giman caranya kita aja mempergunakannya

    @trendy,, update blog update blog update blog

    @Bee’J,, udah dapet bang?

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